Thursday, September 04, 2008

School Gate - Times Online - WBLG: Starting School in Deutschland

A parent-led (mostly ex-pat) chat about cultural differences in pre-school and primary schooling, including thoughts about academic learning and about what schools expect of parents in Germany, the UK, and elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Protect Our Kids from Preschool | Wall Street Journal

[...] 'Universal preschool is now second only to universal health care on the liberal policy wish list. Democratic governors across the country -- including in Illinois, Arizona, Massachusetts and Virginia -- have made a major push to fund universal preschool in their states.
But is strapping a backpack on all 4-year-olds and sending them to preschool good for them? Not according to available evidence.' [...]

What's good for children is not necessarily good for the economy or the family or the state. Or the party. And vice versa. Is it good that universal preschooling is being discussed as part of the US presidential election? Yes. Is it good that those speaking in favour of universal preschool are wildly exaggerating the positive findings of some research and totally ignoring the ambivalent or even negative findings of other research? No. But can we look past the latter as a means to a good end? Hmm. Doesn't sit right with me.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

BBC NEWS | Wales | Outdoor classes start in schools

Welsh foundation stage play-based for 3 to 7 year olds. BBC NEWS | Wales | Outdoor classes start in schools

Sunday, August 31, 2008

BBC NEWS | Education | Pre-school 'gives maths boost'

It maybe due to the way this news report has been written that the research appears to state, or more accurately restate, the obvious. The findings reported were once the stock in trade of debates on pre-schooling in the US and the UK in the sixties. A principal difference between now and then is that pre-school was less likely in the sixties to be legitimated in terms of maths test scores at the age of ten. Furthermore, what was happening in China then was of little interest to UK educationalists.. BBC NEWS | Education | Pre-school 'gives maths boost'