Saturday, March 18, 2006

BBC NEWS | Education | How phonics became easy as a-b-c

Could the commercial involvement and interest in this research on synthetic phonics have any bearing on its validity? BBC NEWS | Education | How phonics became easy as a-b-c

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rand Education | Early Childhood Interventions: Proven Results, Future Promise

Early Childhood Interventions
Proven Results, Future Promise
By: Lynn A. Karoly, M. Rebecca Kilburn, Jill S. Cannon

January 12, 2006

Well-designed programs for disadvantaged children return more to society in benefits than they cost by enabling youngsters to lead more successful lives and be less dependent on future government assistance. Savings can range from $1.26 to $17 for each $1 spent on the programs.

free full text download from: Rand Education

Monday, March 13, 2006 | Early Education Boosts Prospects of Premature Children

Children's Health
Early Education Boosts Prospects of Premature Children

by Richard Knox

Morning Edition. March 6, 2006 ยท A study of children born prematurely finds that those who had intensive early education -- in the first three years of life -- had higher math and reading scores and fewer behavioral problems than similar children who didn't get the educational boost. March 6, 2006