Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Report calls to make easier combining paid work and childcare for working class grandparents

Grandparents now provide more than 40% of childcare for working /
studying parents and over 70% of childcare at other times.


Anonymous Ewan WT said...

As a parent with two small children aged 8 and 10, I fully support the critical contribution given (often free) to them by grandparents. Although parents come first, grandparents supply a vital support to both parents and grandchildren. They are a source of advice based on wisdom of their years, discipline and respect from their grandchildren and most importantly, often have the time to listen and allow small children to be reminded they are special and unique. This is irreplacable in the modern world of rush, panic, rules, exams and herd pressure on children. I fully support whatever makes this easier for grandparents, be it extra money or additional social recognition.
Ewan WT

7:14 pm  

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