Sunday, May 21, 2006 | Hollywood Scandal? Rob Reiner and universal preschooling

Actor, in a Role Change, Is Avoiding the Limelight
By Jennifer Steinhauer

May 21, 2006

SAN FRANCISCO, May 19 — Rob Reiner movie producer and actor, advocate for children, and a member of the club of celebrities who perennially appear on the precipice of running for something, generally does not disdain publicity.
But he has been avoiding the spotlight since March, when he resigned from a state commission on children that is under criticism from Republican lawmakers. He has even gone absent from the final weeks of the campaign for an education ballot initiative he had championed.
Last year, Mr. Reiner came up with the initiative, known as Proposition 82, which would ensure preschool for all 4-year-olds in California.

[...] U.S. 21 May 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly pray that Proposition 82 passes with the least amount of fuss because California needs to make preschool more accessible.

As a "super state" with so much publicity and aura, the success of a universal preschool state model will garner it much support to inspire other states to take a chance at initiating it.

11:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly pray that Proposition 82 passes with the least amount of fuss because California must increase its preschool accessibility throughout the state.

As a "super state" with so much status and aura surrounding it publically and economically, the success of a state universal preschool model within its borders would inspire other states to take a chance on the policy.

Reiner has done his job, and i believe people will remember him for it, not the political clap-trap started by politicians of any party.

11:47 am  

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